The Role of Instructors

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI at UConn) provides a method of teaching and learning that is democratic in nature, and effective to its purpose of intellectual enrichment and lifelong learning. Anyone, including current and prospective OLLI members, may propose a course. Instructors are often (but not always) retired educators, professionals, artists, writers, and entrepreneurs. While formal teaching experience is not a requisite for instruction, it is expected that the OLLI instructor  has a depth of knowledge and/or experience related to the curriculum being proposed.

As an OLLI instructor, you have the ability to facilitate an amazing experience for both you and the OLLI members. OLLI maintains a curriculum stimulated by exciting new courses session by session, along with a strong body of existing courses that have stood the test of time. Courses and instructors that strengthen each curricular discipline and adhere to academic standards are what make OLLI at UConn what it is: A learning environment we want to explore, volunteer for, and return to, year after year.

The role of OLLI instructors is multi-faceted and includes traditional forms of instruction such as the lecture format, and many other approaches which stimulate learning and creative thought.