For a detailed map of downtown Waterbury, click Here.
OLLI at UConn is located at 99 East Main Street Waterbury, CT, and the campus attached parking garage is located at 55 North Elm Street.
From I-84 Eastbound (Danbury-Southbury) – To the UConn Parking Garage
Take exit 22. At the bottom of the ramp turn left onto South Main Street. Proceed under the highway. At the first intersection turn right onto Union Street. At the first light turn left onto South Elm Street. Go through two lights (road becomes North Elm Street). The entrance to the UConn parking garage is on the left, just after the Social Security Administration.
From I-84 Westbound (Hartford-Cheshire) – To the UConn Parking Garage
Take exit 22, Union Street. At the bottom of the ramp turn left onto Union Street.
Go straight. At the third light, at St. Mary’s Hospital, turn right onto South Elm Street.
Go through three lights (road becomes North Elm Street). The entrance to the UConn parking garage is on the left, just after the Social Security Administration.
From Route 8 North (Bridgeport-Waterbury) – To the UConn Parking Garage
Take exit 31 onto 84 East. Take the second exit, exit 22. At the bottom of the ramp turn left onto South Main Street. Proceed under the highway. At the first intersection turn right onto Union Street. At the first light turn left onto South Elm Street. Go through two lights (road becomes North Elm Street). The entrance to the UConn parking garage is on the left, just after the Social Security Administration.
From Route 8 South (Winsted-Waterbury) – To the UConn Parking Garage
Take (left) exit 32, Riverside Street. Turn left at the light onto Freight Street. At the end, turn left onto Meadow Street. Take the first right at the light onto West Main Street. Follow West Main Street, crossing North Main (the street becomes East Main Street) and continue past the University (on your left). Turn left at the first traffic light onto North Elm Street. The entrance to the UConn parking garage is on the left, just after the Social Security Administration.
UConn Parking Garage: OLLI Members have Friday access to the UConn parking garage (North Elm Street entrance), on a space available basis, on Levels 2 and 3 ONLY. Do not park on Level 1 – this is reserved for UConn faculty/staff.
OLLI members can park in the UConn attached garage AFTER 5:00 pm ONLY Monday – Thursday.
Click here to purchase a permit: https://park.uconn.edu/olli-parking-information/
This link brings you to a page that shows parking permit information for Spring 2025.
PLEASE NOTE: When departing the UConn parking garage, the wooden arm (gate) will go up automatically upon close approach; you will then exit the campus onto North Elm Street.
Scovill Street Parking Garage: The Scovill Street parking garage, is located on the south side of the Palace Theater, and UConn OLLIs can park on levels 5 & 6 any day of the week by showing your parking pass (issued by UConn Parking Services). There is a pathway to East Main Street where the UConn Campus is located (99 East Main Street). This garage is not owned or operated by UConn.
Handicapped Parking: Handicapped parking and handicapped accessible entrances are available from ALL levels (there is an elevator) of both the UConn and Scovill Street Parking Garages.
Any outstanding parking tickets must be paid off before being issued another permit.
Parking Services personnel conduct routine parking enforcement in the campus parking garage and OLLI members will be ticketed for parking violations. These violations include, but are not limited to: failure to register for parking, OLLI members parking in the faculty/staff (level one) parking area, and parking in an unauthorized area (fire lanes, handicap & reserved spaces).
Street-Level Parking Lot: An outdoor street-level LAZ parking lot is located adjacent to the campus building on East Main Street (across from the Palace Theater). You may park here all day for a reasonable price. This lot, named “LAZ” is not owned or operated by UConn.
For other available downtown Waterbury parking options and information, visit: Waterbury Parking
The UConn Waterbury main building has a separate, but attached, parking garage. After parking in the garage, take the elevator or stairwell down to “G” (ground level) and enter the campus by turning left off the elevator or right from the bottom of the stairs. The Main Entrance to the campus is at 99 East Main Street. The doors are locked and cannot be opened without a UConn swipe card (called a “Onecard”). If you are parking anywhere except the UConn parking garage, please contact osher@uconn.edu to request a Onecard.
Waterbury Senior Shuttle
The city of Waterbury sponsors a Senior Shuttle to provide transportation for the elderly. Seniors can make appointments directly with the Shuttle by calling 203-757-9621. For more information, visit the website: http://www.waterburyct.org/seniorshuttle
Bus Transportation
Greater Waterbury Transit District
67 Farrington Avenue
Waterbury, CT
203-753-2538 or visit https://gwtd.org