olli.uconn.edu | osher@uconn.edu | 475-222-6261
99 East Main Street, Waterbury, Connecticut 06702
The name of this organization will be Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Connecticut (UConn).
OLLI is a membership-driven educational organization designed:
A. To provide learning opportunities and activities for its members through non-credit courses, lectures, and other activities.
B. To encourage the development of leadership among its members and to encourage the members to share their knowledge and expertise.
C. To create opportunities for meaningful interaction inside and outside the classroom.
Membership will be generally open to anyone fifty years of age or older who, upon payment of established fees, is eligible to participate in all OLLI activities. Membership is subject to revocation if member violates the UConn Student Code of Conduct: https://community.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/523/2021/08/2122-The-Student-Code.pdf
A. Definition: The Leadership Council is the principal advisory representative body of the OLLI members and will operate under these guidelines as adopted by the Leadership Council or may be established by the OLLI Director and UConn Waterbury Administration. The OLLI Director leads the organization and serves as the administrative liaison to UConn concerning legal, financial and policy related issues. All decisions of the Leadership Council must be in compliance with the policies of the campus and the University and must be approved by OLLI and campus administration. The Leadership Council has no financial or liability responsibilities.
B. Roles and Responsibilities: The Leadership Council will fulfill these roles and responsibilities under the direction of OLLI’s administration and that of the Waterbury campus.
1. To develop, revise, and monitor implementation of the current and future plans of OLLI.
2. To assess OLLI’s policies and membership procedures.
3. To ensure that OLLI’s courses and events reflect members’ interests.
4. To establish and maintain the standing and ad hoc committees of OLLI.
5. To approve policies and procedures of all standing and ad hoc committees.
6. To approve the establishment of clubs and other organized activities.
C. Leadership Council Membership:
1. The officers of OLLI and of the Leadership Council will be one and the same.
2. The number of Leadership Council members will be no fewer than eleven.
3. The members of the Leadership Council will be the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Immediate Past President, Chairpersons and Co-chairpersons or their designees from each standing committee, up to three UConn Faculty Liaisons, and no fewer than four Members-at-Large. The OLLI Director and staff will be ex-officio members.
4. Leadership Council members are required to attend all scheduled meetings. Failure to attend three consecutive meetings without a reason may result in a request from the presiding President for dismissal.
5. Special advisor status may be granted to a Leadership Council member who identifies a special need or circumstance requiring extended absences from attendance at Leadership Council meetings. Special advisor status may be granted to no more than three Council members at any given time.
6. Any Council member wishing to resign will provide written notification to the Leadership Council President and the Secretary. The President will notify the OLLI Director. The Nominating Committee will make its recommendation for a replacement.
Section 1. The Officers of OLLI at UConn/Waterbury and its Leadership Council will be the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Immediate Past President, and Secretary.
Section 2. The Executive Council of the Leadership Council will be the President, Vice President, President-Elect, Immediate Past-President, and Secretary. The Executive Council will meet regularly. The OLLI Director will be an ex officio member of the Executive Council.
Section 3. Terms of office for each Leadership Council officer position and member-at-large will be for two years with eligibility for a second consecutive term. Additional terms may be considered after an absence of one year.
Section 4. No later than the February Leadership Council meeting, the slate of officers and members-at-large will be proposed to the Leadership Council by the Nominating Committee.
Section 5. These officers and members-at-large will be endorsed for a two-year term by the majority vote of the members of the Leadership Council present at a Leadership Council meeting no later than the March meeting.
Section 6. Terms of office begin after the last day of Spring Semester.
Section 7. Duties of Office:
A. President: The President will:
1. Preside at and conduct all OLLI members and Leadership Council meetings.
2. Serve, along with the OLLI Director, as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
3. Maintain communication with the OLLI Director and staff, and standing committees
4. Represent OLLI at external meetings and gatherings where representation is desired.
5. Serve as Immediate Past-President of the Leadership Council for two years after completion of the term as President.
B. Vice President: The Vice President will:
1. Preside at all general meetings of the OLLI members and Leadership Council in the absence or inability of the President or when requested.
2. Serve as the representative of the OLLI President when requested.
3. Maintain regular communication with committee Chairs and provide support as needed.
4. Develop and coordinate bi-annual training for Leadership Council.
5. In the absence of the Secretary, record accurate minutes of Executive Council meetings and ensure timely distribution.
6. In the absence of the Secretary, record accurate minutes at Leadership Council meetings, and ensure timely distribution.
C. President-Elect: The President-Elect will:
1. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, preside at and conduct OLLI membership and Leadership Council meetings.
2. Serve, along with the President, as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
3. Maintain communication with the OLLI Director and staff, and standing committees.
4. Represent OLLI at external meetings and gatherings where representation is desired.
5. Succeed the current President of the Leadership Council after completion of term as President-Elect.
6. Assist President as required.
D. Immediate Past President: The Immediate Past President will:
1. Serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee.
2. Appoint at least two Nominating Committee members.
3. Work with the President and the Executive Director on existing and future projects to ensure a smooth transition in leadership from one term to the next.
4. Attend all Leadership Council meetings.
E. Secretary. The Secretary will:
1. Prepare and distribute the monthly Leadership Council meeting agenda in conjunction with the OLLI President.
2. Take and record accurate minutes of the meetings of the Leadership Council, Executive Council, and general meetings of the OLLI membership.
3. Maintain the list and contact information of committee Chairs, committee Members, and Leadership Council Members for distribution to the LC Council.
4. Report to the Leadership Council at the May meeting the term status of the executive officers and Members at Large so that the Nominating Committee will know which offices need candidates for the next year.
5. Maintain a record of terms of appointment of Council Members.
F. Members-at-Large: The Members-at-Large will:
1. Familiarize themselves with issues of interest or concern to OLLI members, and represent the OLLI members.
2. Members-at-Large may be considered for future Leadership and committee positions.
Section 8. Any officer or member-at-large not performing the assigned duties of the position may be subject to removal from the Leadership Council.
The Leadership Council will authorize, establish and maintain the standing committees and ad hoc committees of OLLI. These committees will include, but are not limited to: Marketing and Community Outreach, Member / Travel Services, Nominating, Program Development, Publications, Special Interest Groups, Technical.
All committees will appoint Chairpersons. Each Chairperson will serve a two-year term, after which there will be a reappointment or new appointment, which will take place in May of each year.
A report of committee activities will be presented at each Leadership Council meeting. Committee chairs are required to submit a written annual report with recommendations for the next year prior to the May Leadership Council meeting. The Executive Council will review reports and recommendations and report back to the Leadership Council at the June meeting.
Committees shall meet monthly.
Committees will follow the Committee Restructure plan approved by the Leadership Council in September of 2021.
Participation in any OLLI club and/or committee will require an active paid OLLI at UConn membership.
An OLLI member will be eligible to chair and/or co-chair only one committee at a time. (Exceptions may be made with majority vote approval by the Leadership Council.) It is recommended that each committee have no fewer than three members.
Should a chair or co-chair of a committee resign, the committee will make recommendations for a replacement to the Leadership Council President.
A. Marketing and Community Outreach: Purpose is to plan, recommend and, in conjunction with OLLI staff, help coordinate/implement long- and short-term marketing, public relations, advertising and fundraising strategies that create OLLI awareness statewide, build membership and promote annual fundraising goals.
B. Member Services: Purpose is to provide hospitality at OLLI functions, welcome new members, and conduct the travel program
C. Nominating: Purpose is to identify and recommend nominees for officers and members-at-large positions and present slate to the Leadership Council.
D. Program Development: Purpose is to facilitate the advancement of curriculum at OLLI at UConn (including OLLI Café presentations) through review of current course offerings, identify topics of interests of OLLI members, recruit and support additional instructors, and research programs and presentations at other OLLI Institutes.
E. Publications: Purpose is to design and produce weekly newsletter and coordinate the annual publication of Voices and Visions which showcases the original writings, artwork and photography of OLLI members.
F. Special Interest Groups: Purpose is to identify and bring together members who have a common interest they wish to pursue. Members meet outside the normal class environment to discuss and enjoy their mutual interest while providing lifelong learning opportunities as well as social and community project experiences.
G. Technical: Purpose is to provide online / hybrid classroom technology support to instructors and members.
Section 1. Special meetings may be called by the President and may also be called by written request of thirty (30) members of the organization. The purpose will be stated in the call. Written notification of such meetings will be given at least two weeks prior to the meeting. A minimum of 10% of OLLI members will constitute a quorum. Voting will be by voice unless otherwise requested.
Section 2. An annual meeting of the membership shall be held each year.
Section 1. Meetings of the Leadership Council will be called by the President monthly except in July and December. Special meetings may be called by the President and/or by written request of members of the Leadership Council.
Section 2. Two-thirds of the voting members of the Leadership Council will constitute a quorum. In the absence of a quorum or in the event of an emergency, the President may consult with the OLLI Director, available officers and Council members and act on behalf of the Leadership Council. A written report of any action taken will be sent to all Council members as soon as possible.
Section 3. Voting will be by voice unless otherwise requested.
Section 4. Any OLLI member may attend a Leadership Council meeting as an observer only.
Section 1. Upon appointment, the names and contact information of those who constitute the Nominating Committee will be reported to the OLLI members through the OLLI weekly e-newsletter.
Section 2. If a member of the Nominating Committee wishes to be considered as a candidate for the position of President, President-Elect, Vice President or Secretary, that member must resign from the Committee. An Alternate will be appointed by the OLLI President to fill the vacancy.
Section 3. Any OLLI member who wishes to be an officer or member-at-large of the Leadership Council will submit a letter of request to any member of the Nominating Committee at any time.
Section 4. To promote continuity, nominations and appointments for different offices and positions will take place on even and odd years.
Even years:
• President
• President-Elect
Odd years:
• Vice President
• Secretary
Section 6. The Nominating Committee will propose a slate of officers to the OLLI Leadership Council no later than the last day of February.
Section 7. The slate of officers and members-at-large will be endorsed by the Leadership Council prior to submission to the OLLI Director and UConn Waterbury Administration.
Section 8. The UConn Waterbury Administration will provide the final approval of the slate of officers prior to the last Friday of the OLLI Spring Semester.
Section 9. The names of the new officers of the OLLI Leadership Council will be published in the next OLLI Newsletter after their appointment.
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised will govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and are not inconsistent with these Guidelines and any special rules or order the organization may adopt.
OLLI is subject to and protected by the University of Connecticut non-discrimination policy. The complete policy can be accessed here: Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Interpersonal Violence | University Policies
These Guidelines may be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Leadership Council and approval by the OLLI Director and UConn Waterbury Administration. Amendments will be proposed to the OLLI Director and UConn Waterbury Administration only by the Leadership Council and only after two-thirds of the Leadership Council have voted in favor of the proposed amendment.
These amended Guidelines were adopted on November 1, 2023, at a duly-convened Leadership Council meeting of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Connecticut; Waterbury Campus; Waterbury, Connecticut.
Record of Previous Amendments to OLLI Guidelines: April, 2019
See below for Guidelines Appendix A (OLLI at UConn Leadership Council Structure, adopted September 2021.