Instructor Information Instructor Name*
Instructor Address*
Instructor Phone Number*
Instructor Email*
Are you new to teaching with OLLI at UConn?* Yes No
May prospective course registrants contact you by phone?* Yes No
Instructor Contact Phone Number
If answering yes to the previous question
May prospective course registrants contact you by email?* Yes No
Instructor Contact Email
If answering yes to the previous question
Will you have a co-instructor for this course? Yes No
Co-Instructor Information (if applicable) Co-Instructor Name (if applicable)*
Co-Instructor Address (if applicable)
Co-Instructor Phone Number (if applicable)
Co-Instructor Email (if applicable)
Is this co-instructor new to teaching with OLLI at UConn?* Yes No
May prospective course registrants contact the co-instructor by phone? Yes No
Co-Instructor Contact Phone Number
If answering yes to the previous question
May prospective course registrants contact the co-instructor by email? Yes No
Co-Instructor Contact Email
If answering yes to the previous question
Course Information - General Please provide us with some general information about your course.
OLLI Semester* Spring Fall
Please see the OLLI website ( or brochure for exact semester dates.
Course Scheduling Year:*
Example: 2023
In what format are you interested in teaching?* In-Person Online Either (Doesn't Matter)
Would you be interested in teaching your course in a hybrid format?* Yes No
OLLI at UConn is working on expanding the reach of the program. One way to do this is by offering hybrid courses, which we are working on piloting. A hybrid course is one that has both an in-person and online component. If you are interested in helping us pilot hybrid courses, then please choose "Yes."
Proposed Course Title*
Please be creative and propose an eye-catching title
Proposed Course Description (2-3 sentences only)*
*In addition, please also provide an outline of the material to be covered in class
Course Category (please select ALL that apply)* Please specify a course category
Please note any course categories that you'd like us to consider that aren't already in the list above.
Format (please select ALL that apply)* Off-Site Location*
Please tell us the name of the place that you'd like to hold your course (i.e. - The Palace Theater, Riverside Cemetery, etc.)
Please provide us with the address of the place where you'd like to hold your course so that we can provide it to students if requested.
Your teaching style (please select ALL that apply)* *OLLI at UConn uses Zoom for online teaching.
What is your ideal maximum number of participants for this course?* Please Note: Final course maximum will be determined based on classroom availability/capacity and other factors.
Have you taught this course with OLLI at UConn before?* Yes No
Please briefly describe the learning goals for this course
Please Note: This field is for office use only. If there's something you'd like students to see, then please make sure to include it in the "Proposed Course Description (2-3 sentences only)" field above.
Please describe your experience as related to leading this proposed course.
Please be specific. Education, training, passion,
knowledge, and experience and/or other factors may play a role.
Instructor’s edited biography (1-2 sentences only).*
Please see for examples. If you already have a biography on file with us and wish to continue using that, then please note that in your response.
Co-Instructor’s edited biography (1-2 sentences only).*
Please see for examples. If you already have a biography on file with us and wish to continue using that, then please note that in your response.
Does this course require/recommend students purchase special supplies or books?* Yes (Book(s)) Yes (Supplies) No
Course Information - Course Materials Please provide us with your required/recommended course materials.
Required/Recommended book title (not to exceed $40)
This book is:* Required Recommended
Please Note: Books are considered REQUIRED only if they are critical to learning the course material.
Book ISBN:
Please make sure that you provide the ISBN to any book(s) that you are requiring/recommending.
Does this course have a second required/recommended book? Yes No
Optional Second Required/Recommended book title (not to exceed $40)
This book is:* Required Recommended
Please Note: Books are considered REQUIRED only if they are critical to learning the course material.
Book ISBN:
These materials are:* Required Recommended
Please Note: Supplies are considered REQUIRED only if they are critical to learning the course material.
Please specify supplies here:
Please indicate the item(s) and the recommended retailer.
Course Information - Schedule Please provide us with your scheduling preferences. Please Note: you can offer a course that is 1-10 sessions during the spring and fall semesters and 1-4 sessions during the winter semester. Additionally, if you want to teach a course that is longer than 1.5 hours, then please make sure that you are proposing it during the last timeframe (1:45pm - 3:15pm) since it won't overlap with other courses like it would during the other three 1.5-hr. timeframes.
Course Duration (Please select all that apply)* Please Note: you can offer a course that is 1-10 sessions during the spring and fall semesters and 1-4 sessions during the winter semester.
Special Course Duration Request* 2 Weeks 3 Weeks 4 Weeks 6 Weeks 7 Weeks 8 Weeks 9 Weeks
If you would like your course to meet during a time not listed above, but that's between one and 10 weeks, then please choose so here. *Please Note: you can offer a course that is 1-10 sessions during the spring and fall semesters and 1-4 sessions during the winter semester.
Which day(s) of the week will you be able to teach for OLLI at UConn?* Please note: In-person, on-site courses can only be offered on Fridays. Likewise, online classes are Mondays through Thursdays.
Please select your first choice time slot* Between 8 AM and 10 AM (options available, see below) 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM (90-minute class sessions only) 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM (90-minute class sessions only) 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM (options available, see below) Early Evening (anytime after 4:00 PM, Monday - Thursday only, options available) Any time slot is OK (options available, see below)
Please Note: OLLI Cafe is held during the 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM timeframe, and the end-of-semester celebration is held on the last Friday of the spring and fall semesters from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM. Winter and summer semester time slots are subject to some variation.
Select a time slot between 8 AM - 10 AM* 8 AM - 10 AM 8:15 AM - 10 AM 8:30 AM - 10 AM 8:45 AM - 10 AM 9 AM - 10 AM
Select a time slot between 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM* 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM 1:45 PM - 3 PM 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Please specify the beginning and ending time of your course*
If any time slot is okay, then please select number of minutes* 60 minutes 75 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes 120+ minutes (Please specify in your course description)
Please select your second choice time slot* Between 8 AM and 10 AM (options available, see below) 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM (90-minute class sessions only) 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM (90-minute class sessions only) 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM (options available, see below) Early Evening (anytime after 4:00 PM, Monday - Thursday only, options available) Any time slot is OK (options available, see below)
Please Note: OLLI Cafe is held during the 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM timeframe, and the end-of-semester celebration is held on the last Friday of the spring and fall semesters from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM. Winter and summer semester time slots are subject to some variation.
Select a time slot between 8 AM - 10 AM* 8 AM - 10 AM 8:15 AM - 10 AM 8:30 AM - 10 AM 8:45 AM - 10 AM 9 AM - 10 AM
Select a time slot between 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM* 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM 1:45 PM - 3 PM 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Please specify the beginning and ending time of your course*
If any time slot is okay, then please select number of minutes* 60 minutes 75 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes 120+ minutes (Please specify in your course description)
Please select your third choice time slot Between 8 AM and 10 AM (options available, see below) 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM (90-minute class sessions only) 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM (75-minute class sessions only) 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM (options available, see below) Early Evening (anytime after 4:00 PM, Monday - Thursday only, options available) Any time slot is OK (options available, see below)
Please Note: OLLI Cafe is held during the 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM timeframe, and the end-of-semester celebration is held on the last Friday of the spring and fall semesters from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM. Winter and summer semester time slots are subject to some variation.
Select a time slot between 8 AM - 10 AM 8 AM - 10 AM 8:15 AM - 10 AM 8:30 AM - 10 AM 8:45 AM - 10 AM 9 AM - 10 AM
Select a time slot between 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM 1:45 PM - 3 PM 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Please specify the beginning and ending time of your course
If any time slot is okay, then please select number of minutes 60 minutes 75 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes 120+ minutes (Please specify in your course description)
Course Information - Technology Please provide us with your technology needs.
Technology and/or Special Equipment Needed (please select ALL that apply)* *If you need to use the DVD/CD player that's in your classroom, then please make sure that you are playing from a DVD/CD that is copyrighted in the US. If you don't, then you risk the DVD/CD either not work or stop playing unexpectedly. **If you are connecting your own laptop to the teaching station, then you will need to provide your own adapter (HDMI or USB-C/VGA).
Affiliate Account Information There has been a change in the way that people sign into teaching stations. Previously, each computer had its own username and password that anyone could use. Now, each person must use their own log-in information given to them by the University. You may also need to use two-factor authentication when signing in.
Once your course has been confirmed, the OLLI office will start working on getting you individual access to the teaching stations via an "Affiliate Account." New instructors will have to be added to the system, and returning instructors will have to have their account reactivated, if expired.
Please Note: You will need this account set up prior to the first day of your course.
Personal Email*
Date of Birth* Course Information - Course Modality Specifics Please Note: We only ask for vehicle information for parking purposes if you indicate that you are teaching an "In-Person" course or choose "Either." Similarly, we only ask about recording your course if you opt to teach online.
Would you be interested in offering this course as a Sample Session (during semester(s) that we have an Open House)? Yes No
Please Note: We don't hold an open house each semester and sample session slots are limited. If we are holding an open house, you indicate that you would like to offer this course as a sample session, and your course is chosen as a potential sample session, then someone will reach out to you to confirm a schedule.
If you need a parking permit, please provide the following vehicle information* OLLI at UConn purchases a parking permit from Parking Services for all in-person instructors whose course is confirmed to run. Please make sure that the information entered is correct so you don't risk get a ticket. If you do not need a parking pass, then please enter "X" in each text box so that you can submit the form.
Would you like a Technology Assistant (TA) for your Zoom course?* Yes No
Please Note: Our online course offerings are greatly supported by our Technology Team, who volunteer their time helping instructors as Technology Assistants (TAs). With limited technology volunteers, we’re looking at ways to continue with online learning that doesn't require Technology Assistants. Many people are now comfortable using Zoom, and some of our instructors are already hosting their own OLLI courses. If you’d be comfortable managing your own Zoom classes, we can provide you with an OLLI at UConn Zoom license at no cost to you. Training in scheduling and running your course(s) on Zoom is available upon request. Please let us know if you would like to run your own online course(s), or if you require a Tech Assistant.
Please Note: If you have an email address that you are currently using with a personal/another Zoom account, we will need you to create a new email address to use with the OLLI at UConn Zoom account. This is because it isn’t possible to use the same email for two Zoom accounts.
Would you like your online course to be recorded for future viewing?* Yes, I would like my online course to be recorded. No, I would not like my online course to be recorded.
If you would like your online course to be recorded, please click the "Yes,..." option above. Then, please review the "OLLI Video Consent and Release Form" information that will populate below and click the "I agree to the OLLI..." checkbox. Next, please type your course title, your name and the current date in the respective pop-up boxes below.
"OLLI Video Consent and Release Form" Review* I, (instructor name), am an instructor of an online course, (course title) , hosted by OLLI@UConn (“OLLI”). I understand that OLLI intends to record the course for inclusion in its upcoming semester’s collection of course videos. Videos in the collection will be posted on the Zoom Cloud channel upon completion and will remain posted until the specified date for the current semester. Winter/spring semester course recordings will remain posted until June 30th of that year, and summer/fall semester course recordings will remain posted until December 30th of that year.
I hereby authorize UConn to video record my course. The content of the video will include, but is not limited to, my name, image/ likeness, voice, statements, visual presentation, audience questions and my answers to such questions (“My Video”).
I hereby grant to UConn a non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, transmit, display, post, and publish My Video on Zoom Cloud from the time of the video’s recording to the end of the specified term duration noted above. By giving this permission, I understand that I retain any copyright and related rights that I may hold.
I hereby release UConn, and its assignees and designees, from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of My Video, including but not limited to any claims for copyright infringement, defamation, invasion of privacy, or right of publicity.
The University of Connecticut may dispose of My Video in accordance with its procedures for disposition of materials not needed for the University of Connecticut collections.
If you agree to the terms and conditions outlined above, please click the "I agree to..." box, enter your course title, and sign and date in the respective fields below.
I agree to the "OLLI Video Consent and Release Form" policy as outlined above.
Course Title*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Course Information - Course Promotion Please answer the following questions regarding course promotion.
Are you interested in creating a promotional video for your course(s) that will be used by OLLI at UConn?* Yes No
A promotional video is a short (~60 seconds) video that briefly outlines a little bit about you and your course. You can either film and submit the video yourself, or opt to work with someone from our Technology Team to film the video via a recorded Zoom session. Self-made videos are encouraged and can be emailed to the OLLI office at
Will you be filming and submitting your promotional video yourself, or would you like to work with someone from the Technology Team to film the video?* I will film and submit my own video I would like to work with someone from the Technology Team
If you opt to work with someone from the Technology Team, then they will reach out to you and work out a time to meet. If you are planning to submit the video yourself, then you can send it to as soon as is convenient for you. Please note that sending in a video early allows the office to post it sooner and is strongly encouraged for timing and planning purposes.
Course Promotional Video Upload If you have your promotional video handy now, then please feel free to upload it now. If you don't - no worries! You can email it to when you have it ready.
Course Information - Special Request(s) Please provide us with any special requests that you may have.
Special Request:
Agreement & CAPTCHA Please agree to the statement below and prove that you are not a robot.
Almost done! Before hitting submit, please review and check the following agreement.* As a potential or returning instructor for OLLI at UConn, I will uphold all of OLLI at UConn's instructor guidelines. I will keep within my allotted teaching time out of respect for others' schedules. I will honor the Conflict of Interest policy (
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.