OLLI at UConn Parking Pass Request Form Full Name(Required) First Last Please tell us your first and last name so that we know who is requesting the parking pass.Name of Club, Committee, or Event(Required)Please tell us the name of the club or committee that you are attending a meeting for. If you are using this form to request parking for an event, then please tell us the name of the event instead.Meeting Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Please tell us the date of your club's/committee's meeting or the event date.Meeting Start Time(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Please let us know what time the meeting/event will start. Please Note: your parking permit will be processed with a parking session start time that is 15 minutes before the meeting start time that you note.Meeting End Time(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Please let us know what time the meeting/event will end.Parking Information(Required)License Plate #State Registered InMakeModelColorYearPlease provide us with the above information so that we can request a parking pass for your vehicle for the above day/time. *Please Note: You can only request a parking pass for one vehicle. YOU MUST PROVIDE INFORMATION FOR THE CAR YOU WILL BE USING, OTHERWISE YOU MAY RECEIVE A TICKET. OLLI IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY TICKETS YOU MAY RECEIVE.CAPTCHAPlease Note: OLLI at UConn doesn't request parking passes for robots. Thus, please complete the above CAPTCHA to prove that you are human.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.