Field Trip or Change of Location Support

Presenters may wish to incorporate a field trip into their curriculum or move a class meeting to a specific location to enhance the learning experience. OLLI classes are scheduled in specific locations prior to the start of each session. Accordingly, a class should not be moved to another location at any time without explicit permission of the OLLI Coordinator or Director prior to the course being listed in the brochure. In most cases this must be noted in the course description within the OLLI brochure. Any changes need to be carefully planned, approved by the OLLI Office, and carefully communicated to each course enrollee. This information should be provided to members prior to registration.


If an opportunity for a fieldtrip or alternate class location arises after the start of the semester, approval must be gained from the OLLI Coordinator or Director in writing. A plan for communicating this information to every enrollee must be put in place and often requires more than just a simple classroom announcement.