Classroom Set Up

OLLI at UConn operates through the University of Connecticut’s generous donation of classroom space. OLLI classroom reservations are based on many variables, including availability, type of course, and presenter determined enrollment cap. It is important that an OLLI class operates within its assigned learning space unless otherwise directed by the OLLI office. Even though an adjacent classroom may appear vacant, this does not necessarily mean that it is available for OLLI use. If you have any issue with a classroom or feel a class needs to be moved, please contact the OLLI office for approval and assistance.


Class setup is centrally important to time management. As a presenter, it is important to know your surroundings as well as your subject matter. UConn Waterbury provides some of the most sophisticated classrooms available. Knowing how much time you need to set up in these rooms is vital. Talk to OLLI staff about the options available in your classroom.


Here are a few reminders that should serve as a checklist before every OLLI class you conduct:

  1. Come Early: Plan to arrive at your classroom with plenty of time to set up before your class is to begin. This avoids last minute problems. This applies only to classrooms that are not occupied immediately before your scheduled class.
  2. Check Setup: When you enter the classroom, be sure that it is set up to your specifications and that the AV equipment is as you need. One-on-one training is provided by Information Technology or OLLI staff with advance scheduling.
  3. Relax and Chat: Once you have laid out your materials… getting acquainted with the early arrivals for class is a good idea.


Your advance setup and time management skills are key in ensuring that OLLI at UConn functions properly. Being ready for class and making the best of your scheduled time with OLLI members are both important. If you follow these simple steps, your class will run efficiently and you and the OLLI members in your class will get the most out of this experience.